Fortnite Maker to Pay Users $245 Million: How to Apply and Who Qualifies

If you want to know about Fortnite Maker to Pay Users $245 Million then you are at te right place. Lots and lots of people play Fortnite, more than 400 million! It’s one of the most popular video games out there.

The game’s creator, Epic Games, has recently faced legal troubles for violating the privacy rights of children and tricking users into making unwanted purchases.

In this blog post, we will explain what Epic Games did wrong, how the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took action against them, and how you can apply for a refund if you are eligible. Lets know every minute detail about this Fortnite Maker to Pay Users $245 Million.

What Epic Games Did Wrong

Violating the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA):

Epic Games collected personal information from children under 13 without obtaining parental consent. They take their names, email addresses, phone numbers, and voice and text communications.

They also failed to provide parents with notice and choice about how their children’s data was used and shared. This violated the COPPA Rule, which requires online services to protect the privacy and safety of children online.

Using dark patterns to trick users into making unwanted purchases:

Epic Games used deceptive design tricks, known as dark patterns, to make users think they were getting something for free, when in fact they were being charged. For example, Epic Games displayed a button that said “Claim” next to a free item, but when users clicked on it, they were taken to a payment screen.

They also made it easy for children to make purchases without parental consent, and blocked users from accessing their accounts if they disputed unauthorized charges.

How the FTC Took Action Against Epic Games

A $275 million penalty for violating COPPA:

This is the largest penalty ever obtained for violating an FTC rule. Epic Games agreed to pay this amount to the FTC, which will use it to fund privacy education and enforcement initiatives.

They also agreed to change its default privacy settings for children and teens, ensuring that voice and text communications are turned off by default. Epic Games also agreed to delete all personal information collected from children under 13 without parental consent.

A $245 million refund for tricking users into making unwanted purchases:

This is the FTC’s largest refund amount in a gaming case, and its largest administrative order in history. Epic Games agreed to pay this amount to consumers who were harmed by its dark patterns and billing practices. The FTC will use this money to provide refunds to consumers who qualify. Now you got why Fortnite Maker to Pay Users $245 Million.

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How to Apply for a Refund and Who Qualifies

  • To apply for a refund, you need to fill out an online claim form at You will need to provide your Fortnite username, email address, and proof of purchase, such as a receipt or a bank statement. You will also need to select the reason for your refund request, such as unauthorized charges, deceptive charges, or account lockout. You can submit your claim until June 30, 2023.

  • To qualify for a refund, you need to meet one of the following criteria:
    • You were charged for an in-game item that you did not intend to buy, or that you thought was free.
    • You were charged for an in-game item that you did not receive, or that was different from what you expected.
    • You were a child under 18 who made purchases without parental consent, or you were a parent whose child made purchases without your consent.
    • You were locked out of your account for disputing unauthorized charges with your credit card company.


Epic Games, the maker of Fortnite, has agreed to pay $520 million in penalties and refunds for violating the privacy rights of children and tricking users into making unwanted purchases.

If you are a Fortnite user who was harmed by Epic Games’ practices, you can apply for a refund at until June 30, 2023. You may be eligible for a refund if you meet one of the criteria listed above.

This is a historic settlement that shows the FTC’s commitment to protecting consumers from online privacy invasions and dark patterns. We hope you understood the context Fortnite Maker to Pay Users $245 Million.

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